Schotse geloofshelden in tijden van vervolgingen
Wonderwerken in de Schotse hooglanden (I) door L.J. Van Valen
Wonderwerken in de Schotse hooglanden (II) door L.J. Van Valen
Schotse geloofshelden – door John Howie
Levensbeschrijving van John Stevenson
Nalezing van de Highlandoogst – godsdienstige opleving in Schotland 19e eeuw
Geloofsheldinnen in Schotland : “Gelijk ook de vrouwen gezegd hebben…”
Een wolk der getuigen martelaren in Schotland
Een rijke oogst, over de opwekking in Schotland in 1742 – L.J. Van Valen
Die aan Zijn Naam gedenken – 4 voorbeelden van Schotse vroomheid
Alexander Peden – de profeet van het Covenant
En de braambos verteerde niet, episoden uit de Schotse kerk – B. Florijn
Historie van de Schotse Kerk ten tijde van Samuel Rutherford
Levensloop en brief van John Livingstone
Diverse artikelen van L.J. Van Valen : klik hier
James Renwick
Leven en brieven van James Renwick
In tijden van vervolging – 1ste bundel predicaties
In tijden van vervolging – 2de bundel predicaties door Peden/Cameron/Shields
In tijden van vervolging – 3de bundel predicaties
James and William Guthrie
Des christens groot interest, door William Guthrie
Het gericht Gods met een zondaar, door William Guthrie
In tijden van vervolging – William en James Guthrie
Klik op een foto uit de gallery om de afbeelding te bekijken
John Knox
John Knox op de kansel
Het huis van John Knox
Alexander Peden
Gallery of puritans
Monument der martelaren
Richard Wordman en anderen levend verbrand
Chrystopher en anderen levend verbrand
Vrouwen met baby levend verbrand
Robert Murray Mc. Cheyne
Grafmonument Mc. Cheyne
The youngest puritan
University at St. Andrews
Letters of Rutherford
An old wood-cut of St. Andrews as seen from the sea
Coat of arms – St. Andrews
Rough Scottisch Highlands
James Guthrie
Clan Guthrie ancestral home
William Guthrie
John Howe
John Howe and Oliver Cromwell
John Livingstone
Thomas Halyburton
The Scottisch covenant
Puritan meeting
Puritan meeting
Puritans arriving
History of the King James Bible
The Scottish Reformation ca 1525 – 1690. Index.
The following pages about the early part of the Scottish Reformation are necessarily brief; it would require very many more pages to tell the story in full. I hope, nevertheless, that they suffice to interest you in this fascinating period of Scottish history in which case my book “A Layman`s Guide to the Scottish Reformation” will provide much more detail.
The Reformation story begins with the contentious and unacceptable behaviour of the late medieval Catholic church, followed by the emergence of Protestant evangelism, John Knox and Presbytery. It continues with the Covenanters through to the Glorious Revolution in 1688 (accession of William & Mary), when the Presbyterian Church of Scotland was finally established by law in 1690.
NOTE: Until the end of the 16th century the Scottish year began on the 25th of March. Some year dates are shown eg 1591/2 indicating that the event took place in 1591 by the Scottish Calendar but we would recognise as being after 1 January 1592. See Double Dates in Scotland for a detailed explanation, and date changes in the rest of Britain.
A substantial Glossary of 17C Scots usage is here.
Introduction |
Scotland in the 16th century, background note |
Freemen,burgesses:craftsmen and merchants. |
The people on the eve of the Reformation. |
Overview of the Reformation. |
Early christianity. |
Early christianity – a note only. |
Scottish and Pictish Kings 330 BC – 1567 AD. |
Popes from 41 AD – 1846. |
The monasteries in Scotland. |
The monasteries, their role; an overview from The Monasticon; Rev J F S Gordon DD (1868). |
Monastic Officers, ranks and duties. |
Monastic buildings. |
Monastic Orders. |
Religious houses on the eve of the Reformation (list). |
The monasteries and the people of Scotland. |
Emerging Protestant evangelism |
The Reformation in Europe. |
The Lollards in England. |
The Lollards in Scotland. |
`Sir` priest, and academic titles. |
Burning at the stake. |
Reformation Martyrs |
Patrick Hamilton. 1528. and his “Mr Patrick`s Places.” |
Alexander Ales or Alesius. |
Henry Forrest 1532. |
David Straiton and Norman Gourlay 1534. |
Thomas Forrest, Vicar of Dollar, and the Stirling Martyrs, 1538. |
Jerome Russell and Alexander (Ninian) Kennedy, 1539. |
The Perth Martyrs 1544. |
George Wishart 1546. |
Cardinal David Beaton. |
Adam Wallace,1550. |
Reform of the religion. |
Knox, his formative years. |
Knox in England. |
Knox in the crucial years 1556 -1560 |
The First Blast of the Trumpet against the Monstrous Regiment of Women. |
The Doctrine of Knox (in brief) and his Appellation. |
The First Covenant 1557. |
John Erskine of Dun. |
Walter Mill or Mylne, 1558 |
The Beggars Warning. |
Events of May – June 1559; rabbling of the churches and monasteries. |
Perth and the rabblings – per The Scotichronicon. |
Letter of the Congregation 22 May 1559 to the Queen Regent, Mary of Guise. |
Events of July – October 1559. |
Act of Suspension ( of Mary of Guise as Regent). |
Events of November 1559 – July 1560, |
Treaty of Berwick, 27 Feb 1560. |
John Knox and Mary of Guise. |
Proceedings of Parliament August 1560 ( per Knox`s own account) |
An independent view of Parliament`s proceedings by the English ambassador. |
Act Abolishing the Jurisdiction of the Pope. |
Act Abolishing the Mass. |
The Catholic Church in Scotland 1560 -1690, overview. |
Catholic Missionaries in Scotland. Annual Lists, 1653-1741. |
A contemporary account of the proceedings of Parliament approving the Reformation. Letter dated 19 August 1560. |
The Six Johns. |
A period of relative tranquillity,1560-1638. |
Holland`s role – a refuge for the persecuted. |
Witchcraft and the Reformation |
Significant persons and events. |
James Stuart, Lord James. |
James Stuart, Earl of Moray, the Good Regent. |
Mary, Queen of Scots. |
The murders of David Riccio (or Rizzio) and Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley. |
Carberry Hill. 15 June 1567. |
Langside.13 May 1568. |
The Ruthven Raid, 22 Aug 1582. |
Queen Elizabeth`s warning letter of February 1589. |
The Gowrie Conspiracy August 1600. |
James VI , King of Scotland 1567 – 1603. |
James VI, also James I of Great Britain 1603-1625. |