Thomas Hinshaw Maltreated at Fulham
This young man was brought before a justice at Islington, charged with heresy. When it was found that neither persuasions nor threats had any effect upon him, he was set upon a donkey’s back, with his face toward the tail of the beast, and taken to the prison at Fulham, where he was fastened in the stocks.
The next morning Hinshaw was taken before the bishop of London, who examined him, and then sent one Harpsfield, a priest, to talk with him. After a long dispute Harpsfield called Hinshaw a “peevish boy,” and asked him whether he thought that he, a priest, would go about teaching a lie? Hinshaw replied, very shrewdly, that he was sure they loved power even more than truth. Vexed at this answer, Harpsfield went and told the bishop, who came to Hinshaw and cried out, “Dost thou answer my archdeacon so, thou naughty boy? I shall handle thee well enough, be assured.” He then sent for a couple of rods, and causing Hinshaw to kneel against a bench, had him severely beaten by one of his men or, as some accounts relate, scourged him with his own hands.
After this Hinshaw was examined several times; and at last being brought before the bishop, in his chapel at Fulham, charges were made against him and he was sent to prison. After being confined two weeks, the young man fell ill. He was then released and placed in the care of his employer, Martin Pugson; for the bishop thought he was more likely to die than to live. Hinshaw’s sickness continued a year or more; but after that he unexpectedly recovered his health, and moving away escaped the punishment intended for him.